• Россия, 664033, г. Иркутск,
    ул. Лермонтова, д.132
  • (3952) 42-67-21

Dear colleagues!

As it was announced earlier, the IInd Russian Conference with the international participation “Problems of studying and preserving the plant world of Eurasia”, dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation Leonid Vladimirovich Bardunov (1932-2008) will be held on September 11-15, 2017, starting in the city of Irkutsk and further continuing in Kyren, a township in the Republic of Buryatia closed to the foothills of Eastern Sayan Mountains in the territory of the Tunkinsky National Park.

For the conference site please visit: http://conf.sifibr.irk.ru/